Statement on Current Events
Photo by Nina Strehl
At Re:form, we believe that words and images have significant impact on how we perceive the world. We challenge ourselves to embody inclusion, respect and understanding. We’re now challenging you, and all Americans, to do the same.
We are extremely disappointed and heartbroken that injustices still exist. And yes, we’re angry that we still face these agonizing and inexcusable hardships.
Millions of people, not only in the U.S. but around the world, peacefully march or raise their voices in response to the recent actions. While we do not condone the destructive behavior that has somewhat taken the spotlight away from the true issues, we believe in equality and stand with you in these protests. We will also continue to donate, as we have in our credo, to organizations focusing on equality.
We also know that we cannot erase centuries of social injustice today, but it must start somewhere. We encourage everyone to connect with friends and family of color, and those in the LGBT+ community. We must work together to promote public safety and promote civil rights at the local, state and national levels. We need to realize a shared vision that respects and protects human life.
If we truly come to understand that everyone should be treated fairly – no matter the color of their skin, where they came from, or who their partners are – we are stepping in the right direction.